Church News

Greetings and Peace to You, God's Beloved! 

Salem First Christian Church (SFCC) is a delightful place to know and be known by God and neighbors. Our family was called to serve SFCC in 2021. At that time, our child was just entering the toddler phase of life and the world was just emerging from a global pandemic. Now, Kaiden is riding a bike, while the church is exploring new ministries and refreshing long-standing ministries. It is a joy how SFCC has found ways to be faithful and vibrant since its founding in 1855. We are impressed with this congregation’s commitment to be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ— witnessing, loving, and serving from our doorsteps and beyond (Acts 1:8).

SFCC is an active participant in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)—a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We welcome all to the Lord’s Table, as Christ has welcomed us. We seek true community, deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice (Micah 6:8).

It is an honor to journey where the Spirit will lead this church with our core values of welcoming, worshiping, caring, praying, teaching, serving, giving and sharing  and loving where God leads us!

Co-Senior Ministers, Reverend Michelle Harris-Gloyer and Reverend Matthew Harris-Gloyer with son, Kaiden.

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