Teaching Ministry
We provide opportunities for studying the Scriptures almost every day of every week.
Fulfilling one of the Seven Core Values of the First Christian Church, the Teaching Team Ministry nurtures the spiritual growth in people of all ages in our congregation. As a team, we encourage and ensure that Bible-based materials are provided for Bible Studies and Sunday School classes for adult, youth and children throughout the year. Members help recruit, encourage, train and empower volunteers to teach the church body to know God through His Word and through life experiences.
In addition, the Teaching Ministry Team plans special events throughout the year such as Teacher Appreciation Sunday, Vacation Bible School, and Harvest Festival. Promotion Sunday recognizes the children and youth as they move up to a new grade. We promote the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) special Thanksgiving Offering which helps support higher education into ministry.
To ensure safety in our classrooms, the Teaching Ministry Team is responsible for implementing our church’s policy of reducing the risk of abuse of children, youth, vulnerable persons and adults. To this end, we ensure that all volunteers are trained in best practices and have a background check completed every three years.
The Teaching Ministry Team is represented on the church Board of Directors and through Program Council. We frequently coordinate activities and work together with Christian Women Fellowship and the other core value ministries of the church.