Prayer Ministry

God invites us to speak and to listen directly, as individuals, and as a community.

Being a “Praying Church” is one of our Seven Core Values and our purpose is to encourage the church family to undergird every individual and collective action with prayer. We promote the message of Philippians 4:6-7, which is to be anxious about nothing, but in everything... with thanksgiving, present our requests to God. To that end, the Prayer Ministry Team offers a variety of opportunities for group praise and prayer and makes updated lists of individual prayer requests available to the congregation upon request. The Prayer Ministry Team welcomes volunteers to participate on the team and in any of its organized prayer groups or efforts. 

Regular opportunities for group praying include:

Sunday Morning Prayers. The Angeles Room (located in the Narthex) is open for anyone who wishes for a quiet place to pray on Sunday mornings.

Monthly Prayer Calendar. Every day of the month, we offer our prayers to a group, a ministry, or a greater cause. Click to view or download.

Prayer E-Mail Chain is available for anyone interested – just ask to be added to this group for notifications by emailing:  .

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second Wednesday of the month in the Parlor, Room 206 from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. Knitting or crocheting shawls are crafted, blessed with prayers and given away to friends and members of the congregation or others in need, as determined by the group. We welcome all levels, including beginners. Download a brochure here.

Prayer Requests are always welcome – just email the church at  or call (503) 363-9273.