Core Values
Our Congregation’s Seven Core Values
We organize our ministry around these values.
Worshiping: In a variety of styles and on different times and days of the week, we gather to praise Jesus, to celebrate communion, to share the songs of our faith, and to hear the Good News proclaimed.
Teaching: We provide opportunities for studying the Scriptures almost every day of every week.
Praying: God invites us to speak and to listen directly, as individuals and as a community.
Welcoming: Jesus calls us to go and share the Good News of his resurrection, inviting others to share ministry with us.
Caring: We intentionally seek ways to care for each other and to have fun in our fellowship.
Serving: We strive to make a difference, by being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.
Giving & Sharing: The spiritual practice of generosity helps our members to grow in their relationship with God while supporting the ministries of the church.
Our Vision is to seek to love God and our neighbors.
Our Mission is to reach, teach and release people to know, love and serve God and others.